In a sharp criticism of the AAP, Delhi BJP President Virendra Sachdeva said Prime Minister Narendra Modi provided homes to millions while Arvind Kejriwal focused on building a ‘Sheesh Mahal’ for himself and left 40,000 flats in Narela meant for the underprivileged to ruin.
The BJP leader said the Central government developed significant landmarks in Delhi such as Yashobhoomi, Bharat Mandapam, Eco Park, Bansera Park, Pragati Maidan Tunnel, Ring Road-3, East-West Corridor, and Delhi-Meerut Highway, Alipur Bypass, along with the revitalisation of landmarks like Ambedkar Memorial, Birsa Munda Chowk, and Kartavya Path while Kejriwal has done little for Delhi’s growth. “Under the leadership of PM Modi, the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) has provided quality housing to over 5,000 slum residents in Delhi, his visionary schemes have also created better employment opportunities for Delhi’s youth, especially in Delhi-NCR,” Sachdeva added.
He said Kejriwal talks of education while his government has not opened a single new school or college in ten years. On the other hand, the Centre has opened seven Kendriya Vidyalayas, East Delhi Campus of Delhi University and laid the foundation for two new colleges and university projects.
Sachdeva demanded an explanation from Kejriwal for the slow pace of progress in his promised Sports University and Military Training School due to alleged corruption. He urged the former chief minister to explain Delhi’s poor public transport system, his failure to purchase a single new bus for the DTC, and the terrible state of Delhi’s roads.
He also asked Kejriwal to answer why Delhi’s public health system collapsed during the COVID-19 pandemic and why a massive scam occurred in the allocation of oxygen during the crisis.